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Breaking API Changes

Breaks from updated dependencies


  • v2 is built on TypeScript v4.9.5. You should update your TypeScript version to match this. Doing so is quite likely to reveal new compiler errors (as is usual with TypeScript minor release updates).
  • If you are using ts-node, update it to the latest version
  • If you are targeting ES2022 or ESNEXT in your tsconfig.json, you'll need to set "useDefineForClassFields": false. See this issue for more context.

Apollo Server & GraphQL

If you have any custom ApolloServerPlugins, the plugin methods must now return a Promise. Example:

export class TranslateErrorsPlugin implements ApolloServerPlugin {
constructor(private i18nService: I18nService) {}

- requestDidStart(): GraphQLRequestListener {
+ async requestDidStart(): Promise<GraphQLRequestListener> {
return {
- willSendResponse: requestContext => {
+ willSendResponse: async requestContext => {
const { errors, context } = requestContext;
if (errors) {
(requestContext.response as any).errors = => {
return this.i18nService.translateError(context.req, err as GraphQLError) as any;

With the update to GraphQL v16, you might run into issues with other packages in the GraphQL ecosystem that also depend on the graphql package, such as graphql-code-generator. In this case these packages will also need to be updated.

For instance, if you are using the "typescript-compatibility" plugin to generate namespaced types, you'll need to drop this, as it is no longer maintained.


TypeORM 0.3.x introduced a large number of breaking changes. For a complete guide, see the TypeORM v0.3.0 release notes.

Here are the main API changes you'll likely need to make:

  • You can no longer compare to null, you need to use the new IsNull() helper:
    + import { IsNull } from 'typeorm';

    - .find({ where: { deletedAt: null } })
    + .find({ where: { deletedAt: IsNull() } })
  • The findOne() method returns null rather than undefined if a record is not found.
  • The findOne() method no longer accepts an id argument. Lookup based on id must be done with a where clause:
    - .findOne(variantId)
    + .findOne({ where: { id: variantId } })
  • Where clauses must use an entity id rather than passing an entity itself:
    - .find({ where: { user } })
    + .find({ where: { user: { id: } } })
  • The findByIds() method has been deprecated. Use the new In helper instead:
    + import { In } from 'typeorm';

    - .findByIds(ids)
    + .find({ where: { id: In(ids) } })

Vendure TypeScript API Changes

Custom Order / Fulfillment / Payment processes

In v2, the hard-coded states & transition logic for the Order, Fulfillment and Payment state machines has been extracted from the core services and instead reside in a default OrderProcess, FulfillmentProcess and PaymentProcess object. This allows you to fully customize these flows without having to work around the assumptions & logic implemented by the default processes.

What this means is that if you are defining a custom process, you'll now need to explicitly add the default process to the array.

+ import { defaultOrderProcess } from '@vendure/core';

orderOptions: {
- process: [myCustomOrderProcess],
+ process: [defaultOrderProcess, myCustomOrderProcess],

Also note that shippingOptions.customFulfillmentProcess and paymentOptions.customPaymentProcess are both now renamed to process. The old names are still usable but are deprecated.

OrderItem no longer exists

As a result of #1981, the OrderItem entity no longer exists. The function and data of OrderItem is now transferred to OrderLine. As a result, the following APIs which previously used OrderItem arguments have now changed:

  • FulfillmentHandler
  • ChangedPriceHandlingStrategy
  • PromotionItemAction
  • TaxLineCalculationStrategy

If you have implemented any of these APIs, you'll need to check each one, remove the OrderItem argument from any methods that are using it, and update any logic as necessary.

You may also be joining the OrderItem relation in your own TypeORM queries, so you'll need to check for code like this:

const order = await this.connection
.leftJoinAndSelect('order.lines', 'line')
- .leftJoinAndSelect('line.items', 'items')


const order = await this.connection
.findOne(ctx, orderId, {
- relations: ['lines', 'lines.items'],
+ relations: ['lines'],

ProductVariant stock changes

With #1545 we have changed the way we model stock levels in order to support multiple stock locations. This means that the ProductVariant.stockOnHand and ProductVariant.stockAllocated properties no longer exist on the ProductVariant entity in TypeScript.

Instead, this information is now located at ProductVariant.stockLevels, which is an array of StockLevel entities.

New return type for Channel, TaxCategory & Zone lists

  • The ChannelService.findAll() method now returns a PaginatedList<Channel> instead of Channel[].
  • The channels GraphQL query now returns a PaginatedList rather than a simple array of Channels.
  • The TaxCategoryService.findAll() method now returns a PaginatedList<TaxCategory> instead of TaxCategory[].
  • The taxCategories GraphQL query now returns a PaginatedList rather than a simple array of TaxCategories.
  • The ZoneService.findAll() method now returns a PaginatedList<Zone> instead of Zone[]. The old behaviour of ZoneService.findAll() (all Zones, cached for rapid access) can now be found under the new ZoneService.getAllWithMembers() method.
  • The zones GraphQL query now returns a PaginatedList rather than a simple array of Zones.

Admin UI changes

If you are using the @vendure/ui-devkit package to generate custom ui extensions, here are the breaking changes to be aware of:

  • As part of the major refresh to the Admin UI app, certain layout elements had be changed which can cause your custom routes to look bad. Wrapping all your custom pages in <vdr-page-block> (or <div class="page-block"> if not built with Angular components) will improve things. There will soon be a comprehensive guide published on how to create seamless ui extensions that look just like the built-in screens.
  • If you use any of the scoped method of the Admin UI DataService, you might find that some no longer exist. They are now deprecated and will eventually be removed. Use the dataService.query() and dataService.mutation() methods only, passing your own GraphQL documents:
     // Old way
     // New way
    const GET_PRODUCTS = gql`
    query GetProducts {
    products {
    items {
    # ... etc
  • The Admin UI component vdr-product-selector has been renamed to vdr-product-variant-selector to more accurately represent what it does. If you are using vdr-product-selector if any ui extensions code, update it to use the new selector.

Other breaking API changes

  • End-to-end tests using Jest will likely run into issues due to our move towards using some dependencies that make use of ES modules. We have found the best solution to be to migrate tests over to Vitest, which can handle this and is also significantly faster than Jest. See the updated Testing guide for instructions on getting started with Vitest.
  • Internal ErrorResult classes now take a single object argument rather than multiple args.
  • All monetary values are now represented in the GraphQL APIs with a new Money scalar type. If you use graphql-code-generator, you'll want to tell it to treat this scalar as a number:
    import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'

    const config: CodegenConfig = {
    schema: 'http://localhost:3000/shop-api',
    documents: ['src/**/*graphql.ts'],
    config: {
    scalars: {
    Money: 'number',
    generates: {
    // ..
  • A new Region entity has been introduced, which is a base class for Country and the new Province entity. The Zone.members property is now an array of Region rather than Country, since Zones may now be composed of both countries and provinces. If you have defined any custom fields on Country, you'll need to change it to Region in your custom fields config.
  • If you are using the s3 storage strategy of the AssetServerPlugin, it has been updated to use v3 of the AWS SDKs. This update introduces an improved modular architecture to the AWS sdk, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. You need to install the @aws-sdk/client-s3 & @aws-sdk/lib-storage packages, and can remove the aws-sdk package. If you are using it in combination with MinIO, you'll also need to rename a config property and provide a region:
    nativeS3Configuration: {
    endpoint: 'http://localhost:9000',
    - s3ForcePathStyle: true,
    + forcePathStyle: true,
    signatureVersion: 'v4',
    + region: 'eu-west-1',
  • The Stripe plugin has been made channel aware. This means your api key and webhook secret are now stored in the database, per channel, instead of environment variables. To migrate to v2 of the Stripe plugin from @vendure/payments you need to:
    1. Remove the apiKey and webhookSigningSecret from the plugin initialization in vendure-config.ts:
      - apiKey: process.env.YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY,
      - webhookSigningSecret: process.env.YOUR_STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_SECRET,
      storeCustomersInStripe: true,
    2. Start the server and login as administrator. For each channel that you'd like to use Stripe payments, you need to create a payment method with payment handler Stripe payment and the apiKey and webhookSigningSecret belonging to that channel's Stripe account.
  • If you are using the BullMQJobQueuePlugin, the minimum Redis recommended version is 6.2.0.
  • The WorkerHealthIndicator which was deprecated in v1.3.0 has been removed, as well as the jobQueueOptions.enableWorkerHealthCheck config option.
  • The CustomerGroupEntityEvent (fired on creation, update or deletion of a CustomerGroup) has been renamed to CustomerGroupEvent, and the former CustomerGroupEvent (fired when Customers are added to or removed from a group) has been renamed to CustomerGroupChangeEvent.
  • We introduced the plugin compatibility API to allow plugins to indicate what version of Vendure they are compatible with. To avoid bootstrap messages you should add this property to your plugins.